Roadmap for optical tweezers
Giovanni Volpe Onofrio M. Maragò, ..., Antonio A. R. Neves, et. al
Giovanni Volpe Onofrio M. Maragò, ..., Antonio A. R. Neves, et. al
J. Phys. Photonics 5 022501 (2023). [DOI]
Faster and More Accurate Geometrical-Optics Optical Force Calculation Using Neural Networks
David Bronte Ciriza, Alessandro Magazzù, Agnese Callegari, Gunther Barbosa, Antonio A. R. Neves, Maria Antonia Iatì, Giovanni Volpe, and Onofrio M. Maragò
ACS Photonics 10, 234–241 (2023). [DOI]
Rafael A. B. Suarez; Antonio A. R. Neves; Marcos R. R. Gesualdi
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 40, 631-636 (2023). [DOI]
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 40, 631-636 (2023). [DOI]
Peter S. Kincaid, Alessandro Porcelli, Antonio A. R. Neves, Ennio Arimondo, Andrea Camposeo, Dario Pisignano, and Donatella Ciampini
M. A. S. Pessôa, F. M. e Silva, M. P. Lima Jr., G. Galhardo, P. H. M. Olyntho, and A. A. R. Neves
Rev. Bras. Ensino Fís. 43, e20210217 (2021) [DOI]
Toward Waveguide-Based Optical Chromatography
Antonio A. R. Neves, Wendel L. Moreira, Adriana Fontes, Tijmen G. Euser and Carlos L. Cesar
Frontiers in Physics 8, 603641 (2021) [DOI]
Optical trapping with non-diffracting Airy beams array using a holographic optical tweezers
Rafael A.B. Suarez, Antonio A.R. Neves, Marcos R.R. Gesualdi
Optics & Laser Technology 135, 106678 (2021) [DOI]
Changes in fertilization medium viscosity using hyaluronic acid impact bull sperm motility and acrosome status
A. M. da F. Junior, V. Gaita, D. R. Argumedo, L. S. de Castro, J. D. de A. Losano, R. F. Leite, M. Nichi, M. E. O. A. Assumpção, D. R. de Araújo, A. A. R. Neves, M. P. Milazzotto
Reproduction in Domestic Animals 55, 974 (2020) [DOI]
Acoustic scattering and forces on an arbitrarily sized fluid sphere by a general acoustic field
Matheus Pessôa, Antonio A. R. Neves
Journal of Sound and Vibration 479, 115373 (2020) [DOI]
Experimental optical trapping with Frozen Waves
Rafael A. B. Suarez, Leonardo Ambrosio, Antonio A. R. Neves, Michel Zamboni-Rached,Marcos R. R. Gesualdi
Optics Letters 45, 2514 (2020) [DOI]
Optimizing optical trap stiffness for Rayleigh particles with an Airy array beams
Rafael A. B. Suarez, Antonio A. R. Neves, Marcos R. R. Gesualdi
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 37, 264 (2020) [DOI]
Generation and characterization of an array of Airy-vortex beams
Rafael A. B. Suarez, Antonio A. R. Neves, Marcos R. R. Gesualdi
Optics Communications 458, 124846 (2020) [DOI]
Analytical calculation of optical forces on spherical particles in optical tweezers: tutorial
Antonio A. R. Neves and C. L. Cesar
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 36, 1525 (2019) [DOI]
Magnetoliposomes as model for signal transmission
G. R. Barreto , C. Kawai , A. Tofanello , A. A. R. Neves , J. C. Araujo-Chaves , E. Belleti , A. J. C. Lanfredi , F. N. Crespilho and I. L. Nantes-Cardoso
Royal Society Open Science 6, 181108 (2019) [DOI]
Surface tension driven flow forming aluminum oxide microtubes
Isabela T. Coutinho, A. A. R. Neves, G. Sombrio, J. A. Souza
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126, 32 (2018) [DOI]
Expansion of arbitrary electromagnetic fields in terms of vector spherical wave functions
Wendel Lopes Moreira, Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves, Martin K. Garbos, Tijmen G. Euser, and Carlos Lenz Cesar
Optics Express 24, 2370 (2016) [DOI]
Focus issue introduction: optical cooling and trapping
Antonio A. R. Neves, Philip H. Jones, Le Luo, and Onofrio M. Maragò
Optics Express 23, 9917 (2015) [DOI]
Optical cooling and trapping: introduction
Antonio A. R. Neves, Philip H. Jones, Le Luo, and Onofrio M. Maragò
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 32, OCT1 (2015) [DOI]
Photonic nanojets in optical tweezers
Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 162, 122 (2015) [DOI]
Two-Photon Continuous Flow Lithography
Simona C. Laza, Marco Polo, Antonio A. R. Neves, Roberto Cingolani, Andrea Camposeo and Dario Pisignano
Advanced Materials 24, 1304 (2012) [DOI]
Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves and Dario Pisignano
Optics Letters 37, 2418 (2012) [DOI]
Multi-photon in situ synthesis and patterning of polymer-embedded nanocrystals
Andrea Camposeo, Marco Polo, Antonio A. R. Neves, Despina Fragouli, Luana Persano, Sandra Molle, Anna M. Laera, Emanuela Piscopiello, Vincenzo Resta, Athanassia Athanassiou, Roberto Cingolani, Leander Tapfer and Dario Pisignano
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22, 9787 (2012) [DOI]
Two-Photon Induced Self-Structuring of Polymeric Films Based on Y-Shape Azobenzene Chromophore
A. Ambrosio, P. Maddalena, A. Carella, F. Borbone, A. Roviello, M. Polo, A. A. R. Neves, A. Camposeo, and D. Pisignano
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 13566 (2011) [DOI]
Rotational dynamics of optically trapped nanofibers
Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves, Andrea Camposeo, Stefano Pagliara, Rosalba Saija, Ferdinando Borghese, Paolo Denti, Maria Antonia Iatì, Roberto Cingolani, Onofrio M. Maragò, and Dario Pisignano
Optics Express 18, 822 (2010) [DOI]
Laser Emission from Electrospun Polymer Nanofibers
Andrea Camposeo, Francesca Di Benedetto, Ripalta Stabile, Antonio A. R. Neves, Roberto Cingolani and Dario Pisignano
Small 5, 562 (2009) [DOI]
Two-photon patterning of a polymer containing Y-shaped azochromophores
A. Ambrosio, E. Orabona, P. Maddalena, A. Camposeo, M. Polo, A. A. R. Neves, D. Pisignano, A. Carella, F. Borbone and A. Roviello
Applied Physics Letters 94, 011115 (2009) [DOI]
Soft nanopatterning on light-emitting inorganic-organic composites
Luana Persano, Sandra Molle, Salvatore Girardo, Antonio A. R. Neves, Andrea Camposeo, Ripalta Stabile, Roberto Cingolani and Dario Pisignano
Advanced Functional Materials 18, 2692 (2008) [DOI]
Interaction scheme and temperature behavior of energy transfer in a light-emitting inorganic-organic composite system
Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves, Andrea Camposeo, Roberto Cingolani and Dario Pisignano
Advanced Functional Materials 18, 751 (2008) [DOI]
Axial optical trapping efficiency through a dielectric interface
Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves, Adriana Fontes, Carlos Lenz Cesar, Andrea Camposeo, Roberto Cingolani, and Dario Pisignano
Physical Review E 76, 061917 (2007) [DOI]
Low cost data acquisition module for evaluating the quantitative performance of daylight systems
F. Ciampini, P.S. Scarazzato, A.A.R. Neves, D.C.L. Pereira, M.H. Yamanaka
Solar Energy 81, 1187 (2007) [DOI]
Thermal-lens study of thermo-optical properties of tellurite glasses
V. Pilla, E. F. Chillcce, A. A. R. Neves, E. Munin, T. Catunda, C. L. Cesar, L. C. Barbosa
Journal of Materials Science 42, 2304 (2007) [DOI]
Analytical results for a Bessel function times Legendre polynomials class integrals
A A R Neves, L A Padilha, A Fontes, E Rodriguez, C H B Cruz, L C Barbosa and C L Cesar
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 L293 (2006) [DOI]
Double optical tweezers for 3D photonic force measurements
AA R Neves, A Fontes, WL Moreira, AA de Thomaz, DB Almeida, LC Barbosa and CL Cesar
Microscopy and Microanalysis 12, 1760 (2006) [DOI]
Electromagnetic forces for an arbitrary optical trapping of a spherical dielectric
Antonio A. R. Neves, Adriana Fontes, Liliana de Y. Pozzo, Andre A. de Thomaz, Enver Chillce, Eugenio Rodriguez, Luiz C. Barbosa, and Carlos L. Cesar
Optics Express 14, 13101 (2006) [DOI]
Er3+-Tm3+ co-doped tellurite fibers for broadband optical fiber amplifier around 1550 nm band
E.F. Chillcce, E. Rodriguez, A.A.R. Neves, W.C. Moreira, C.L. Cesar, L.C. Barbosa
Optical Fiber Technology 12, 185 (2006) [DOI]
Exact partial wave expansion for an arbitrary optical beams
AA R Neves, A Fontes, WL Moreira, AA de Thomaz, DB Almeida, LC Barbosa and CL Cesar
Microscopy and Microanalysis 12, 1762 (2006) [DOI]
Exact partial wave expansion of optical beams with respect to an arbitrary origin
Antonio Alvaro Ranha Neves, Adriana Fontes, Lazaro Aurelio Padilha, Eugenio Rodriguez, Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, Luiz Carlos Barbosa, and Carlos Lenz Cesar
Optics Letters 31, 2477 (2006) [DOI]
Double optical tweezers for ultrasensitive force spectroscopy in microsphere Mie scattering
A. Fontes, A. A. R. Neves, W. L. Moreira, A. A. de Thomaz, L. C. Barbosa, C. L. Cesar and A. M. de Paula
Applied Physics Letters 87, 221109 (2005) [DOI]
Raman, hyper-Raman, hyper-Rayleigh, two-photon luminescence and morphology-dependent resonance modes in a single optical tweezers system
A. Fontes, K. Ajito, A. A. R. Neves, W. L. Moreira, A. A. de Thomaz, L. C. Barbosa, A. M. de Paula, and C. L. Cesar
Physical Review E 72, 012903 (2005) [DOI]
Ultrafast optical switching with CdTe nanocrystals in a glass matrix
L. A. Padilha, A. A. R. Neves, E. Rodriguez, C. L. Cesar, L. C. Barbosa and C. H. Brito Cruz
Applied Physics Letters 86, 161111 (2005) [DOI]
Recombination processes in CdTe quantum-dot-doped glasses
L. A. Padilha, A. A. R. Neves, C. L. Cesar, L. C. Barbosa and C. H. Brito Cruz
Applied Physics Letters 85, 3256 (2004) [DOI]